2012, Number 2
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Mul Med 2012; 16 (2)
Information science and Multimedia. Jiguani. 2011
Labrada FTT, López GV, Labrada FH, Ledea CEM
Language: Spanish
References: 13
PDF size: 129.93 Kb.
It was performed a study of intervention, with the aim of designing and implementing a multimedia information management in health (information science and librarianship), allowing teachers and students from 1st to 4th year access with immediacy and effectiveness to the discipline information, to practice some basic knowledge and favour the interaction with new technologies. The proposal was worked out in order to value their effectiveness in the period of September 2009 to February 2010, by the students of Health Information Management carrer from the polyclinic "Edor the los Reyes Martinez Arias" of Jiguaní, Granma Province. The sample coincided with the population (45); it was applied an initial survey where it was evidenced that the 55.26% of the students had deficiencies in terms of access and knowledge of the sources of information. In relation to periodicity, the 60.53% never accessed these sources. The methods used to determine the level of acceptance and uses of multimedia were: observation, analysis and synthesis, survey and mathematician. The result was an increase in the level of information, knowledge of the sources of information and the access to them, which demonstrated the effectiveness of the designed product.
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