2011, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Med Fis y Rehab 2011; 3 (2)
Update on acute mechanical cervicalgias
Pérez CD, Rojas CLH, Hernández TS, Bravo AT, Delgado SO
Language: Spanish
References: 34
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Introduction: the cervicalgia is a syndrome characterized by the pain presence in the cervical region, it includes a wide fan of alterations that, like a cause or effect, they have their location in the later parts and posterolaterals of the neck, with or without irradiation to the areas and adjacent segments. Essentially, they are ailments of bony origin, to articulate or muscular that affect to the region perirraquidea, being the most frequent etiology the degenerative processes and mechanics. The diagnosis of the mechanical cervicalgias is fundamentally clinical.
Objective: to integrate the existent knowledge on acute mechanical cervicalgias.
Methods: it was carried out an exploratory study of the published literature and organized the existent knowledge about this illness, factors that produces, etiology, clinical signs that help to recognize it, as well as the rules for the rehabilitative treatment.
Conclusions: the knowledge of the acute mechanical cervicalgias help to establish the ideal treatment in each patient.
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