2012, Number 1
Morphological characterization and values of white cells in the blood of the Osteopilus septentrionalis frog
Saíz GY, Trujillo HJ, Castañeda LJM, Domínguez LY, Lóriga LE
Language: Spanish
References: 8
PDF size: 149.60 Kb.
Introduction: sometimes the levels of contaminants found in the organisms do not induce a significant toxic response that is why; more sensitive methods are needed so as to detect alterations at cellular or molecular levels before such clinical damage is evidenced in the organism. Hence, the determination of haematological values is an useful tool. White cells perform defensive functions within the body; their concentration in blood depends on various factors including the specie.Objective: to carry out the morphological characterization of white cells and to determine the leukocyte values of the Osteopilus septentrionalis specie.
Methods: blood extraction was performed by cardiac puncture to 100 larvaes of frogs in the E-21 and E-33 stages of Gosner classification (1960). Spreadings were made and the slides were dyed by May-Giemsa procedure. White cells were analyzed and 100 cells were counted by larva.
Results: the leukocytes of the anurous larva O. septentrionalis were analyzed and quantified. Neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eusinophilos and basophiles were identified.
Conclusions: this study revealed the morphological knowledge of white cells, and also allowed the their quantification in the Cuban frog specie O. septentrionalis. Although these results are only limited to the breeding area of the National Center of Toxicology they have the significance of being the first to be known, thus becoming an important tool for the precise diagnosis in ecotoxicological research.
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