2014, Number S1
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2014; 52 (S1)
Psychological, social and cultural factors of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents in México
Martínez-Munguía C, Navarro-Contreras G
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 94-101
PDF size: 72.12 Kb.
Child obesity is a serious problem of public health in México. If we
don’t reverse it quickly, it will generate unsustainable economical consequences
to the health institutions in this country, as well as serious
health problems. This article reviews some psychological, social and
cultural factors in the health-illness process, in particular in relation to
food choices, the function of the family, and the food-related parental
practices, changes in physical activity, and the role of media. As a conclusion,
we can say it is very important to take into account psychological
and cultural aspects, as well as the family as a whole in the creation of
public policies in the fi ght against the obesity epidemic. Other fundamental
aspect to bear in mind is the generation and effective monitoring of
regulations on food advertising, particularly that aimed to children, and
also in regards to a labelling of edible products accessible to all people.
An interdisciplinary work is essential to generate synergies that help us
to control obesity in the first place, and then to be able to reverse this
problem, without disregarding the role of prevention.
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