2011, Number 1
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Rev Sal Pub Int 2011; 2 (1)
Proposal of Public Policy to address climate change in Bolivia
Morales PIC, Cintra CD, Quintana SYM
Language: Spanish
References: 11
PDF size: 48.10 Kb.
Introduction: Climate change is one of the great challenges of the XXI century that the international community must urgently respond to. Bolivia, like other countries in
the region and around the world, is not exempt from this real threat.
Objective: To develop a proposal for climate change policy in Bolivia to contribute in increasing this country capacity to mitigate, adapt and response to this phenomenon for protecting the most vulnerable populations.
Method: We designed a developing qualitative research. An exhaustive search of information, document and experts' committee revisions were carried out to achieve the objective.
Results: We formulated the Public Policy of Climate Change in Bolivia as a proposal of Bolivia Ministry of Health and Sports aimed at well being of the population.
Conclusion: Once the sections that make up this proposal are implemented, it improves the response of the most vulnerable countries to the effects of climate change and hence the living conditions of people to cope with it.
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