2011, Number 1
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Rev Acta Médica 2011; 13 (1)
Chil DR, Galí NZ
Language: Spanish
References: 76
Page: 112-121
PDF size: 60.15 Kb.
Nowadays the nosocomial infections are an important public health problem due to morbidity and mortality caused as well as the supposed economic and social cost.
Within the dissimilar group of infections affecting patients operated on heart there is one that is fearsome due to its extreme severity: the postoperative mediastinitis with a high rate of morbidity and mortality. Its incidence is of 0,3 to 5% whose mortality may reach up to 40% and according to some authors, up to 47% with a decrease of survival during the first year after surgery and deterioration of quality of life. The objective of present paper is to make a review of this subject. The current situation of the Intensive Therapy Service of the «Hermanos Ameijeiras» Clinical Surgical Hospital of 2008 is showed.
The great incidence of mediastinitis was noted in those operated on of myocardial revascularization. The risk factor found and antibiotic therapy cost are exposed.
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