2011, Number 1
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RCAN 2011; 21 (1)
Propuesta de modificación de la Evaluación Subjetiva Global del estado nutricional para uso en el paciente con cirrosis hepática
González ED, Castellanos FMI, Pomares PY
Language: Spanish
References: 75
Page: 35-58
PDF size: 396.45 Kb.
Nutritional assessment of liver cirrhosis (LC) patients is difficult and controversial given phenotype modifications generated by the disease itself. Validation of a modification of the Subjective Global Assessment of nutritional status oriented to the nutritional assessment of
the cirrhotic patient (SGA-LC) was simultaneously conducted at the Institute of Gastroenterology (IGE) and the Surgical
Clinical “Hermanos Ameijeiras” Hospital (HHA), both located in Havana City (CUBA), between January 2008 and May 2009. Study serie was comprised of 152 patients; average age was 54.2±11.4 years; men were prevalent; viral infection was the main cause of LC; and more than half of the subjects were in the initial stages of the disease (“A”Child-Pugh).
According with the SGA-LC tool presented in this article, 64.5% of the subjects was malnourished (IGE: 66.9%: HHA: 57.5%). SGA-LC proved to be a useful tool for the diagnosis of undernutrition associated with LC; exhibited superior operational characteristics when compared with the original inception of the SGA; was reproducible among observers;
and showed a good correlation with nutritional status alternatively defined by means of clinical and anthropometric elements.
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