2012, Number 1
Risk factors associated with home accidents in pre-school children
Language: Spanish
References: 37
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It was performed an analitic, case control 1:2 research in order to determine the risk factors associated with accidents in the house, in pre-school children, assisted by the Emergency service from the Pediatric Hospital ´´Luis Angel Milanes´´in Bayamo during the year 2010. The sample consisted of 100 pre-school children injured and 200 controls. The studied variables included sex, age and maternal schooling, paternal toxic habits, institutionalization of the minor, conditions of housing and presence of the family doctor in the area, among others. The strength of Association was determined through the reason of cross products (OR), with a 95% reliability. For the multivariate analysis it was applied the technique of binary logistic regression, the regression model showed that the Association of the male sex (OR = 33, 86), mother without employment relationship (OR = 17, 96), the institutionalization of minors and absence of the family doctor; in order of importance, enhanced the risk of accidents in the house, in pre-school children, in the municipality of Bayamo. The results constituted a valuable practical reference to perform actions of intervention that caused a consequent decrease in these events.REFERENCES
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