2013, Number S1
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Correo Científico Médico 2013; 17 (S1)
Update on Huntington disease
Rodríguez PJM, Díaz RYV, Rojas RY, Rodríguez BY, Núñez AE
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 546-557
PDF size: 271.20 Kb.
Huntington Disease is a neurodegenerative disorder transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait. Selective neuronal loss in the striatum leads to chorea and cognitive impairment. It is a progressive disease with onset in midlife, which chronically evolves over many years and for which no curative treatment is available today. A review on the 547 current knowledge of Huntington Disease was carried out. Etiopathogenic, clinical, diagnostic methods and treatment options were included.
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