2014, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2014; 25 (2)
Biotechnological overview of Latin America from the perspective of immunological patents
Campos JE, Campos FA
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 172-182
PDF size: 181.76 Kb.
Introduction: a great technological divide is recognized to exist between the continents. Even though there is a multitude of reports about scientific production
and its evolution around the world, relevant studies are still lacking in the field of patents. Scientometric studies dealing with patents are few and limited, particularly in certain knowledge areas.
Objective: analyze the technological status of immunology in Latin America between 2004 and 2011.
Methods: Immunological patent documentation was obtained from Scopus, and an analysis was conducted of the patents applied for through the Patent Cooperation
Treaty. An evaluation was carried out of applicants, their country of origin, the patenting economic sectors and the cooperation between countries.
Results: during the study period 89 countries applied for 17 281 immunological patents. Countries from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development applied for 97,28 % of the patents, the European Union for 30,76 % and Latin America for 0,86 %. The Latin American countries applying for most patents were Brazil (43) and Cuba (31). The main applicants were Argentina and Brazil (10 each) and Mexico (8). Latin American co-applicants included Bahamas-Belize, Brazil-Uruguay, Chile-Ecuador, Cuba-Mexico and Honduras-Mexico. Most immunological patents were for pharmaceutical products and biotechnology. Latin American private institutions applied for 46% of the patents, public research offices for 28 %, universities for 25 % and hospitals for 3 %.
Conclusions: technological differences, at least in this knowledge area, have gradually lessened. Thus Bermuda and the Cayman Islands rank 8th and 9th worldwide, respectively, in patents per inhabitant. Brazil ranks 20th in patents/Gross National Income-Purchasing Power Parity. Uruguay ranks 11th in patents/investment in RDI in % of the Gross National Income, and Mexico ranks 20th. Significant bias may result from analyzing just one knowledge area, but it makes it possible to determine and assess the evolution of the study subject in each country.
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