2014, Number 2
Diploma in ethics for the methodological training of the teacher staff
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 110-126
PDF size: 195.79 Kb.
Background: the theme of Ethics plays an important role in the training of teachers for the different levels of education.Objective: designing a proposal of Diploma course on Ethics.
Methods: a research project was done at the “Lidia Doce Sánchez” Medical Sciences Branch in Sagua la Grande, Villa Clara, in the 2008-2009 academic year, with the purpose of designing a proposal of Diploma on Ethics. The universe was composed of 90 teachers, and the sample taken was 45. The methods used were, from the theoretical level: analysissynthesis and inductive-deductive, applied for the theoretical aspects of the theme and their current status in the literature that was consulted, and to determine its essential concepts; and the empirical methods applied were documentary analysis, observation and survey. The data was processed through descriptive statistics.
Results: the postgraduate upgrading of teachers from the field of Health does not offer a specific training in the field of Ethics, and it requires of alternatives that match with the needs about this theme that were demonstrated in the methodological training. A proposal of Diploma was designed, and it was discussed by 30 specialists, who considered it as adequate and pertinent. They considered the topics included as very important, and characterized them as flexible and dynamic.
Conclusions: the postgraduate upgrading of teachers from the field of Health does not provide them a specific training in Ethics. Therefore, the proposed Diploma is based on assumptions that were selected with the purpose of improving the educational work of this teacher staff, and its application in medical universities.
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