2013, Number S1
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Rev Cub Oftal 2013; 26 (S1)
Myasthenia gravis and ocular myasthenia gravis
Naranjo FRM, Estévez MY, Méndez STJ, Dorrego OMD, Rúa MR
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 653-667
PDF size: 78.79 Kb.
Myasthenia gravis is an illness characterized by weakness and fatigue of the voluntary muscles due to an anomalous transmission at neuromuscular juncture. The prevalence rate is approximately 5 cases/100 000 people. Myasthenia gravis can be bulbar, ocular or widespread. Clinical forms exist in the childhood such as neonatal transitory myasthenia, congenital myasthenia and juvenile myasthenia. The ocular
facial and bulbar muscles are the most frequently affected by this illness. When the symptoms occur in the musculature close to the eye, it is named ocular myasthenia gravis. Once the ophthalmologist suspects of or diagnoses myasthenia gravis, a neurologist generally leads the confirmation tests and the treatment. The role of the ophthalmologist continues being important, since he should check the palpebral motility and dysfunction, provide the relief to symptoms and be alert to the probable amplyopia.
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