2013, Number 3-4
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Rev Cubana Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc 2013; 19 (3-4)
Data processing system of hospitable management of the Institute of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery. Rooms of hospitalization
Tariche MOM
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 182-188
PDF size: 448.13 Kb.
At the present time we find ourselves immersed in a progressive and sustained process where the new Technologies in the information processing lead us to a transition of the traditional Clinical History in the paper toward their substitution or coexistence with other magnetic or digital supports that allow to store and to process great quantity of data.
From the technical point of view, the automation of the Clinical Histories of the Institute of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, implies to design a database and a system that responds to the necessities of information for the institution and their medical personnel.
All studies and analysis of the patients are carrying out in stages of automation. In the first stage the system was devel-oped in order to store in a database all the information of the general models of the clinical history of the patients.
In order to consult the information store in the database there is an information system which is implemented in a web site that the authorized medical personnel can view any patient information from any of the workstation of institute network.
Because the Clinical Histories constitute a legal document, it is necessary to have mechanisms of security that protect and assure the integrity of the information.
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