2013, Number 3-4
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Rev Cubana Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc 2013; 19 (3-4)
Ethics and scientific investigation in public health. An approximation to the theme
Estévez ÁN, Mojena MG, Rivero MN, Paredes CÁM, Estévez TNM, González GL, Ramírez LM, Céspedes AG, Casas GJJ, Núñez FR
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 169-173
PDF size: 294.25 Kb.
Introduction: In our days the medical ethics approaches multiple profiles linked with the medical practice, the professional exercise, the administration of health, the regulation of the life and the advances of the science and the medical technology.
Objective: Ours purpose to investigate regarding the topic of the ethics and investigation in health.
Results: The biomedical investigation in human beings goes directed fundamentally to the improvement of the diagnostic, therapeutic procedures and preservatives, and the understanding of the etiopatogenic of an illness. In the case of the pure science, the main objective is the discovery of the scientific truth, while in the applied science it is the obtaining of a result that it can be incorporate to the social practice.
Conclusions: In all the cases it demands from the careful employment of ethical norms during all the stages of the investigation process, reason why so much in the centers of investigations like in the assistance institutions you should act governed by the principles of the ethics and the bioethics.
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