2014, Number 04
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MediSan 2014; 18 (04)
Characteristics of the emergency videolaparoscopic surgery in children from Santiago de Cuba province
Kassoum DM, Gonzálvez BJ, Puente FCJ, Cabrera SJ
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 504-514
PDF size: 183.44 Kb.
Introduction: the patients with acute abdominal disorders can have emergence surgeries by means of minimal access surgical techniques, among them the videolaparoscopic surgeries.
Objective: to identify the main characteristics of the videolaparoscopic surgery in children.
Methods: an observational, descriptive, cross sectional and retrospective study of 189 patients with acute abdominal disorders, and emergency videolaparoscopic surgeries was carried out in the Pediatric Surgery Service at the Teaching Southern Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from March, 2000 to December, 2012.
Results: a prevalence of the age group 10-14 (36.5%) and of the male sex (57.1%) was obtained; likewise, the complications rate was increased in those under 10 years, it was 10.3% in those under 4 years and it was considerable in the preschool children (66.7%). The non gynecological causes prevailed as indication of surgical intervention (86.7%) and
the acute appendicitis as abdominal disorder (65.4%), which also presented the highest number of complications. On the other hand, the general conversions index, the complications incidence and the hospital stay were low.
Conclusions: the videolaparoscopic surgery of emergency in the boy is a feasible therapeutic option in Santiago de Cuba, with a low incidence rate of complications and a hospital stay of short duration.
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