2014, Number 1
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Mediciego 2014; 20 (1)
Bladder squamous cell carcinoma: an unusual form of presentation
Agüero GJL, Cepero OPJ
Language: Spanish
References: 11
PDF size: 49.54 Kb.
This work is about a young man that comes from Huambo (Angola) who is evacuated to the Military hospital of Luanda for presenting mucu-cutaneous paleness, loss of weight, asthenia, anorexia and an exophytic tumor in hypogastrium approximately 10 centimeters in diameter, of white–yellowish color and irregular with diffuse areas of ulcerations and opening clear liquid and sometimes reddish; to approximately five centimeters to the left of the abdominal halfway line; tumoration sample was taken for histopathologic studies giving as result an invasive bladder Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Vesical Shistosomiasis.
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