2014, Number 1
Microbiological quality of vegetables and factors associated with contamination in growing areas in Havana
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 111-119
PDF size: 65.28 Kb.
Introduction: over the last several years, there has been an increased a foodborne illness linked fruits and vegetables; therefone is important to evaluate factors affecting the safety of vegetal produce.Objective: to determine the microbiological quality of vegetables and factors associated with contamination in growing areas in Havana.
Materials and Methods: 100 samples of vegetables from 26 areas were studied and irrigation water from each orchard, in the period January 2009 to December 2011 at the Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene. The determination of parasitic was performed according to the FDA Bacteriological Analytical Manual / CFSAN 2001, bacteriological study of vegetables and water was carried by the current standards in the country.
Results: parasites was observed in 6% of vegetables and Escherichia coli in 18.0%, more frequently in lettuce, watercress and spinach. Were isolated pathogenic bacteria, Salmonella Weltevreden in chives and potentially pathogenic Listeria spp. in chard. Water samples 53.8%, did not have an acceptable microbiological quality. The fencing is not growing areas, the presence of animals in the field and the use of contaminated water were most frequently factors to observed, statistical association was found between these factors and vegetables contamination.
Conclusions: it was detected the presence of the parasites, pathogen bacteria and potentially pathogen bacteria studied, and it was related to non-treated water for irrigation, the presence of animals in the soil, and the non-closed of the cultivate areas.
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