2013, Number 3
Identifiable Neurocutaneous Syndromes at General Comprehensive Medical physical examination
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 325-335
PDF size: 153.92 Kb.
Introduction: the neurocutaneous syndrome is the general term used to refer to certain neurological disorders. It is a heterogeneous group of congenital disorders that primarily affect structures derived from the embryonic neuroectoderm.Objectives: to characterize the clinical features of neurocutaneous syndromes that are identifiable at physical examination by the general comprehensive physician.
Methods: a review of the selected current literature was performed for theoretical methods, specifically, in the field of neurology, dermatology and genetics.
Results: the clinical characteristics of tuberous sclerosis, types 1and 2 neurofibromatosis, Schwannomatosis and Sturge-Weber disease (Neurocutaneous Syndromes) can be identified during the physical examination.
Conclusions: knowledge of clinical features of the neurocutaneous syndrome, considering its clinical heterogeneity and expressiveness, physical examination allows early diagnosis of the disease by general comprehensive physician. This knowledge favors patient management.
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