2013, Number 3
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2013; 10 (3)
Anxiety and depression in cuban elderly with mild cognitive impairment: an approximation since their experiences
Pérez DR, Mato DR, Méndez AT, Sánchez SE
Language: Spanish
References: 42
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Introduction: anxiety and depression have been investigated in elderly with mild cognitive impairment, however there is lack of studies from the experiences (knowledge gained from experience), with a dimensional conception.
Objective: to characterize anxiety and depression in elderly with mild cognitive impairment and specifically: to evaluate the dimensions like feature and state, to identify if there are relationships between socio-demographic variables and the state dimensions, to describe the
affectivity since the experiences of the patients.
Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional. correlational, quali-quantitative triangular study, in non
probabilistic, intentional sample (20 elderly), diagnosed of the Longevity, Aging and Health Research Center, volunteers, with mixed adaptive disorders, whose unique etiology was the
perception of the cognitive deficit. Several tests were applied: IDARE, IDERE and a semi structured interview, where ethical principles are fully met. The descriptive statistic, test of correlation of Pearson (p ≤ 0,05) was used and analysis of the content categories of the state for its experiences.
Results: they were: high levels of anxiety and depression state, and means like features, significant relationships between the education and the state anxiety. From the experiences the elderly reported: concern for the future, catastrophic thoughts, loss of self-confidence and selfesteem, dream dysfunctions, insecurity in the functional nature and annoyance with physical symptoms; feelings of uselessness, evasive thoughts, loss of the cognitive capacities and tiredness (depressed) anxiety and sadness (anxious).
Conclusions: it was possible to characterize the elderly with mild cognitive impairment from the experiences which has facilitated the realization of interventional ways from the subjectivity in the same ones. It offer final recommendations.
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