2014, Number 1
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Rev Esp Med Quir 2014; 19 (1)
How to write and design a thesis project
López HD, Fraga VVA, Rosas AMC, Castro HGA, Thompson BMR
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 134-139
PDF size: 412.84 Kb.
The training of human resources in health is one of the essential pillars
to improve health care services and generate new knowledge; therefore
the academic staff in training requires training for the development
of scientific research and enhances their ability to transmit the new
knowledge to the scientific community. The drafting and design of
research projects under the premises of the scientific method, allows
the formation of a better professional preparation for the performance
of their duties and consequently a better benefit for patients, as well as
an increase in scientific knowledge. The statement of work with a high
scientific content is an essential part of the training of health personnel.
This document aims to guide and provide a series of recommendations to
facilitate the drafting and design of a research project for thesis writing,
including specific and fundamental aspects on writing each section of
the work. Besides providing elements for the preparation of a manuscript
that allows the development of a viable protocol.
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