2013, Number 3
Global cardiovascular risk and estimation of glomerular filtration rate in patients from the National Center for Workers' Prophylactic Health Care in Cuba
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 348-356
PDF size: 167.55 Kb.
Objectives: stratify global cardiovascular risk in patients hospitalized in the Center for Workers' Prophylactic Health Care on the basis of traditional risk factors such as arterial hypertension, smoking and diabetes mellitus, among others, and estimate the glomerular filtration rate.Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted of 94 subjects: 66 male and 28 female, at the National Center for Workers' Prophylactic Health Care in Cuba. Cardiovascular risk was determined with the European table EHS-WHO (2007). The Cockcroft-Gault formula was used to estimate the glomerular filtration rate.
Results: most of the subjects studied were mature adults. Arterial hypertension affected 60.6% of the sample, exceeded by overweight and obesity if added up together (67%). Glomerular filtration was affected in 32.9% of the subjects. Most cases classify as very high and high risk.
Conclusions: arterial hypertension is the risk factor that most disturbs patients, but overweight and obesity added up together constitute a great problem. Renal disease is an expanding health complication; most patients showed a high risk.
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