2014, Number 03
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2014; 82 (03)
Tuberculosis in perinatal stage. A challenge to the binomial care mother- Son. Report of two cases
Martínez-Verónica R, López-Vargas L, Ávalos-Huizar LM, Aviz-Vinaña LD, Gutiérrez-Padilla A
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 203-209
PDF size: 737.65 Kb.
Case report of 18-year old female patient with clinical signs of pulmonary
tuberculosis during pregnancy at beginning of fourth month into
term, with airway impairment, as evidenced by dry cough, fever and
night sweats, as well as a 6 kg. weightloss. Twenty-two days after giving
birth, the patient was hospitalized with high fever and deteriorated
health conditions, requiring treatment in the intensive care unit due to
complications such as severe malnutrition, septic shock, pulmonary
abscess, pachypleuritis, empyema and bronchopleural fistula. The tuberculosis
diagnosis was established through ABF identification with
Ziehl-Neelsen stain of the pleural fluid. The patient was hospitalized for 42 days, including eleven days on a mechanical ventilator, before
being discharged. Her newborn daughter was admitted to the Pediatric
Intensive Care Unit on the 19th day of life due to coughing, fever, difficulty
in breathing, liquid stool and rejecting food. The newborn was
hospitalized in the newborn intensive care unit for twenty-two days,
developing major sepsis and multiple organ failure, which complications
led to her death. An autopsy was conducted, revealing granulomatous
lesions consistent with tuberculosis in lungs, liver, small intestine, large
intestine and peritoneum; additionally the PCR of bronchial aspirate
was positive to
Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA.
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