2013, Number 3
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Revista de Ciencias Médicas de la Habana 2013; 19 (3)
Experimental diabetes mellitus: morphometric study in the progeny of diabetic rats
Gorrita PY, Núñez LN, Clapés HS, Fernández RT
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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Introduction: failure in the production of insulin in preconceptional diabetes mellitus causes harmful effects on the fruit of conception.
Objectives: to identify changes in weight, height, cranial diameter and facial morphometry of their fetuses.
Methods: an experimental diabetes mellitus investigation in female rats of Wistar strain was performed. For this purpose 198 fetuses from diabetic mothers and 53 in the control group were studied. It was used as variables: weight, size, cranial diameter and facial morphometry variables. It was applied as analysis of quantitative variables: mean, standard and average deviations. To compare means the Kruskal-Wallis test and U Mann-Whitney test were used and a significance level with probability values less than 0.05 was considered.
Results: it was identified decreased weight and size in the fetuses of diabetic rats independent of treatment, and an increase in anteroposterior and biparietal diameters in diabetic fetuses relative to controls was evident. An increase of the distance between the globes of the eyes and a decrease in the transversal and craniocaudal face length in fetuses of diabetic rats compared to controls.
Conclusions: in fetuses of diabetic rats independent of treatment there was a decrease in the values of size and weight, and with respect to the control fetuses an increase of the anteroposterior and biparietal diameters and differences in facial morphometry variables.
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