2013, Number 3
Treatment of finger-sucking habit by means of the relaxation technique
Language: Spanish
References: 16
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Introduction: deforming buccal habits cause alterations in the different components of the buccal apparatus affecting the aesthetic appearance. Finger sucking can be found among these patterns with high frequency.Objective: to determine the usefulness of relaxation as treatment for the eradication of finger sucking in children by eight to eleven years of age in relation to traditional treatment and determine if there is a relation to sex, age and frequency thereof.
Methods: an experimental study in 49 children with finger sucking habit belonging to two elementary schools, 24 assigned to the experimental group and 25 to the control group, randomly chosen. The habit was diagnosed through interviews and review of clinical histories. The information was collected in a spreadsheet made to the effect. The data were processed and displayed in tabular form.
Results: in the group subjected to the relaxation treatment predominated the eradication of the habit with 38.8 %, being slightly higher in males. The totality of 9-year-old children attained the habit elimination and 20.4 % of those who practiced it intermittently achieved the eradication.
Conclusions: the relaxation treatment for the eradication of the habit was very useful, it did not show any relation to sex, nor the ages studied. It proved to be equally useful in children who practiced it intermittently or continuously.
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