2013, Number 3
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Geroinfo 2013; 8 (3)
Comportamiento de la fractura de cadera en adultos mayores
Garcell CAA, Rodríguez PL
Language: Spanish
References: 30
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The study of the own affections of the senescent population, in moments that grows the preoccupation for the aging of the population, constitutes starting point to drive so much preventive as of quality of the medical attention.
Objective: To describe with focussing epidemiological the conduct of the fracture of hip in old men during the year 2010 in The University General Hospital Enrique Cabrera.
Method: Carried out a descriptive, retrospective and
longitudinal study of the conduct of the fracture of hip in 135 in the elderly. They entered in the Service of Orthopaedics and to the ones that it is practiced surgical treatment.
Results: The predominant of age group went those of 80 to 89 years, the female sex went those of major number of cases, stood out to him the Fall as the more frequent cause, in the preoperative complications predominated the decompensate of chronic illnesses not transmissible and the
postoperative complication went the respiratory infection. The causes hopelessly more frequent went the pulmonary embolism and the respiratory infection.
Conclusions: The fall is the more frequent cause of fracture of hip in old men. Decompensate of chronic illnesses not transferable was the preoperative predominant complication. The respiratory infection played a fundamental paper, so much in the postoperative complications, as in the mortal cause.
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