2013, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Farm 2013; 47 (4)
Adherence to treatment by patients with chronic diseases
Bertoldo P, Ascar G, Campana Y, Martín T, Moretti M, Tiscornia L
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 468-474
PDF size: 92.55 Kb.
Objective: to determine the compliance with the drug treatment of outpatients with chronic diseases.
Methods: observational, prospective, cross-sectional patients with hypertension, type II diabetes and dyslipidemia, who underwent the Morisky Green test.
Results: in this group, 38 % of patients do not adhere to treatment, with prevalence of hypertensive patients, women, and those who use more than one drug in their therapy.
Conclusions: The patients reported socio-economic reasons as the main cause of non-adherence to treatment.
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