2014, Number 03
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MediSan 2014; 18 (03)
Physiological and pathological bases on asphyxia during peripartum
Nápoles MD, Piloto PM
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 401-415
PDF size: 385.99 Kb.
Taking in consideration that asphyxia is one of the most important episodes in the perinatological care, due to its intrauterine and postnatal consequences, at short and
long terms, it was decided to make a literature review related to its pathophysiology, so as to put to at the disposal of the specialized medical community, the information that allows to make known clearly its presentation and the damage on organs. Also, it was
kept in mind that this oxygen scarcity can cause a great limitation in the life quality of a high number of infants, and which constitutes one of the most frequent causes in
Caesarean sections in the obstetrical practice, with the subsequent maternal and perinatal risk. Finally, the necessity of having the knowledge that allows to make more
proper decisions when facing such a health situation was determined.
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