2013, Number 1
Biotecnol Apl 2013; 30 (1)
Biotecnología Aplicada: 30 years publishing science
Herrera ML
Language: Spanish
References: 2
PDF size: 68.13 Kb.
Text Extraction
Scientific publications have always been core to the system of science; especially today, in a world as interconnected, and in turn, segmented. The dissemination of ideas, opinions and debate on the results of scientific research relies mainly on scientific journals, which have historically bridged the gap across geographic, language and ideological divides.REFERENCES
Castro Ruz F. Discurso pronunciado por el comandante Fidel Castro Ruz, primer ministro del gobierno revolucionario, en el acto celebrado por la Sociedad Espeleológica de Cuba, en la Academia de Ciencias, el 15 de enero de 1960. Versiones taquigráfi cas. La Habana: Consejo de Estado; 1960 [cited 2013 Jan 5]. Available from: www.cuba.cu/gobierno/ discursos/1960/esp/f150160e.html