2013, Number 4
Behavior of high-grade intraepithelial lesions on the Cervix Pathology Consultation
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 354-367
PDF size: 176.64 Kb.
Introduction: cervical cancer (CCU) is the second most common malignancy in women.Objective: to determine the behavior of high grade cervical intraepithelial lesions.
Methods: a quantitative and qualitative cross descriptive study was conducted in patients treated in the cervix pathology service at the University Hospital Mártires del 9 de Abril , Sagua la Grande, from January to December 2011. The universe of our study consisted of 158 women who were assisted at consultation with abnormal cytology; the sample was 70 women diagnosed with high-grade lesion. We reviewed the medical records, greeting cytodiagnosis and interviewed the patients. Data were entered in a database.
Results: the most common age was 25-44 years. 67.1 % started their sexual life between 16-20 years old. There was a direct relationship between HPV infection and the development of cervical intraepithelial lesions, since 53 patients (72.6 %) showed HPV cytologic finding. There was a suitable correspondence between the results of punch biopsy and cone biopsy. As for the definitive treatment, 53 patients underwent cold blade cone and only 9 underwent total hysterectomy.
Conclusions: one in 10 patients affected by high-risk injury is younger than 25 years. A longer time since the onset of sexual intercourse increases the appearance of high-grade lesions.
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