2013, Number 4
Maternal redox state in the third trimester of pregnancy and its relationship with uteroplacental flow
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 316-329
PDF size: 200.74 Kb.
Introduction: during gestational stage, nitric oxide released by placenta endothelial cells, uterine arteries, and umbilical vasculature promote vasodilatation and facilitate blood flow to the fetus. Pro-oxidant factors may, however, cause endothelial dysfunction and compromise the uterus-placentary flow.Objective: to determine the relationship between maternal redox status in the 3rd. trimester of pregnancy and uterus-placental flow.
Methods: a prospective observational study was performed; it included 65 pregnant women from Bayamo municipality from December 2011 to April 2012. The average pulsatility index of the uterine arteries and umbilical artery using Doppler flowmetry, as well as redox status biomarkers in maternal blood were measured: Ferric reducing potencial, Serum malondialdehyde plus 4-hydroxynonenal, vitamin C, albumin, uric acid, and erythrocyte reduced glutathione concentration were measured. Total extracellular superoxide dismutase and catalase activity were also measured.
Results: most of the average pulsatility index of the uterine and cord arteries was found between the 95 and 50 percentile for gestational age. Malondialdehyde values plus 4-hydroxynonenal were low, whereas high values were detected from vitamin C, reduced glutathione and the superoxide dismutase enzyme activity. Vitamin C concentrations were directly and significantly associated with mean pulsatility index of the uterine arteries.
Conclusions: the behavior of redox status biomarkers corresponds to an adequate antioxidant status and the state of, however, only the concentrations of vitamin C were associated with uterus-placental flow.
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