2014, Number 1
Methodological proposal for the control of the Hygiene and Epidemiology Centers laboratories
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 69-82
PDF size: 245.28 Kb.
Background: the guidelines of the Economic and Social Politics of the Cuban Party and the Revolution are the base for the economic reorganization; changes in the health sector are a starting point to get this purpose.Objective: to make a methodology proposal for the control of the Hygiene and Epidemiology Centers laboratories.
Method: a developmental research for the design of a methodology for the control of the Hygiene and Epidemiology Centers laboratories was made. A bibliographic, documentary review was made for the design of the proposal. In the selection and validation of the dimensions to be included in the methodology were made by consulting seven experts from the National School of Public Health. The following criteria were taken into account for the selection: competence (efficiency of the professional activity of the expert), creativity, disposition to participate, consent, analysis ability, spirit of collectivism and self-criticism, efficiency of the professional activity.
Results: the experts considered five steps for the design of the proposal: first, the obtaining of the information; second, the definition of the dimensions; third, the definition of the elements that constitute the proposed dimensions; fourth, the application of the proposal; fifth, the assessment of the proposal.
Conclusions: the methodology proposal for the control of the Provincial Hygiene and Epidemiology Centers laboratories is a useful tool among the changes in the health sector for those who carry out these processes. Besides, it is based on regulations, legal documents, resolutions, scientific articles, and the praxis in the activity.
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