2011, Number S2
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Mediciego 2011; 17 (S2)
Hemodynamic behaviour of total intravenous anaesthesia with propofol in surgery of intracranial tumours
Pérez PN, Fernández LE, Regueiro USD, Ortega HP
Language: Spanish
References: 27
PDF size: 55.51 Kb.
Introduction: Within the neurosurgical conditions, brain tumors conform a very peculiar group and constitute a challenge for the anesthesiologist.
Objectives: To specify the anesthetic conduct
in patients with supratentorial intracranial tumors and the perioperative behavior of hemodynamic variables, perioperative complications as well as to correlate the complications appeared with the age of patients.
Method: A descriptive study was carried out, with 39 patients underwent surgery of supratentorial intracranial tumors, in “Capitán Roberto Rodriguez Fernandez” Hospital, Morón, between January 2009 and December 2010. Total intravenous anesthesia with Propofol was applied to them. All of them greater than 18 years, with physical state ASA II, III and Glasgow scale superior to 8 points. The induction and maintenance were made with propofol, fentanyl and vecuronium, oxygen and compressed air. The bio-parameter behavior was monitoring in four times.
Results: It was found stability in the monitorized parameters. The most frequent complication was the respiratory alkalosis. Complications related to propofol were not identified, nor correlation between complications appeared and the age of the patients.
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