2011, Number S1
Hereditary colorectal cancer unlinked to polyposis (Lynch Syndrome). A case presentation
Language: Spanish
References: 11
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This is a young patient of 27 years old, with family medical history of several deaths from colorectal cancer, who goes to the doctor for presenting about two or three months, abdominal pain located at level of right epigastrium-hypochondrium, accompanied by a general syndrome and anemia. The most striking at physical examination was the mucous cutaneous pallor, which was in correspondence with low hemoglobin. The rest of the hemathologic study was within normal parameters as well as abdominal ultrasound, thorax radiography and esophagogastroduodenoscopy. He underwent a colonoscopy, diagnosed him a neoproliferative process from hepatic flexure of colon, this diagnosis was confirmed by histology as well-differentiated adenocarcinoma of colon. The patient underwent surgery; a right hemicolectomy with ileo-transversostomy was done. The histologic examination of the resected segment was corresponded with the preoperative diagnosis.REFERENCES
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