2011, Number S1
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Mediciego 2011; 17 (S1)
Epidemiological behavior of traumatic cataract in a municipality of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Second Semester, 2008
Castillo BYM, Triana CI, Santander MAJ
Language: Spanish
References: 36
PDF size: 51.62 Kb.
A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted with the goal of identifying
epidemiological characteristics of traumatic cataract in “Bartolomé de las Casas”
municipality, Zulia State, Venezuela, during the second semester, 2007. The universe of
study consisted of all patients with cataract and the sample consisted of those with a
history of ocular trauma and traumatic cataract diagnosis. Variables such as age, sex,
occupation, type of trauma as the mechanism, etiology of injury and use of means of
protection were studied. Information was obtained through the individual medical history
and was ranked a database made to the effect, was statistically analyzed by descriptve
procedure. As summary measures of data were obtained absolute and relative
frequencies. Among the main results obtained, the age group most affected was 30 to 44
years, male predominance and workers. There were more blunt trauma than open and
the main cause of injuries were non-metallic objects. Most patients did not use adequate
protective devices.
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