2011, Number S1
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Mediciego 2011; 17 (S1)
Educational intervention for adolescent mothers to breastfeed longer until the first year
Carvajal PM, Alpízar BD, Moreira TL
Language: Spanish
References: 20
PDF size: 61.90 Kb.
An intervencion experimental study was carried out with pre and post test on knowledge of
breastfeeding that adolescent pregnant had, attended in the Community Teaching Polyclinic
"Antonio Maceo" in Ciego de Avila. The objective was to determine the usefulness of an
educational intervention to raise the level of knowledge about breastfeeding and to evaluate
its extension till the first year of life. The universe consisted of 34 pregnant teenagers in this
area, which is divided in 17 control groups and 17 experimental one, selected by random
assignment. Each group was given a pre-test questionnaire, after that an educational
intervention was conducted in the experimental group, where they are offered updated
topics in an easy way
taking into account poor objectives and finally the post-test instrument was applied to both
groups in a year old baby. It was noted that the experimental group improved their
knowledge and the breastfeeding was extended significantly compared to the control group,
demonstrating the usefulness of educational intervention program.
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