2014, Number 1
Desempeño del rol de cuidador primario y eficiencia del programa Atención Hospitalaria a Domicilio
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 25-32
PDF size: 121.56 Kb.
Introduction: Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social’s (IMSS) Home Health Care program (ATHODO, according to its initials in Spanish) was implemented to bring medical care to the home of patients with chronic or terminal diseases. As a prerequisite for joining the program, the patient must have a primary caregiver: a person with the responsibility of giving care to him.Objective: To evaluate the performance of the primary caregiver role and its relati onship with the effi ciency of ATHODO program.
Methodology: A descripti ve, correlational cross-sectional study in 72 primary caregivers enrolled in ATHODO. Primary caregiver performance was assessed with the instrument developed by Landeros and Huitzache “Valoración para el Agente de Cuidado Dependiente” (“Calculati on for Dependent Care Agent”), validated with Cronbach’s alpha of 0.862. The efficiency of the program was validated with a checklist made as provided in the seven indicators of quality that marks the IMSS. The program was considered efficient if it met with the seven points positi vely.
Results: the performance of the role of primary caregiver was good in 58 %, fair in 42 %. The ATHODO program was evaluated as ineffi cient by all caregivers, because it didn’t met favorably with the seven indicators. An associati on between performance and efficiency of the program was identified.
Conclusions: the associati on between performance and effi ciency of the program allows to propose acti ons to improve the program and consequently the performance of the primary caregiver.
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