2012, Number S5
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2012; 11 (S5)
Chronic renal failure model with the use of tisuacryl in rats
Núñez CCR
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 593-604
PDF size: 86.91 Kb.
Introduction: To provide better health care to renal failure patients is a national health goal in our country; thus, different studies have been carried out using biomodels for renal failure. To improve the reliability of these biomodels still remains as a major challenge. Particularly, models for chronic renal failure (CRF) have been widely used, pursuing a better accuracy in instauration and evolution time, especially in defining the failure's duration.
Objective: To validate an experimental model for CRF in rats using Tisuacryl developed in our laboratory.
Methods: Ninety Wistar rats were distributed into series (of 7, 28, 42, and 60 days) and working groups (controls and experimental) for each series. CRF model
for ablation of 5/6 of the renal mass was designed, using the tissue adhesive Tisuacryl (of national production) as sealant of the cut surfaces. The following parameters were evaluated: protein excretion during 24 hours, plasmatic creatinine, renal effective plasmatic flow (REPF), glomerular filtration rate (GFR), and filtration fraction.
Results: An increase in protein excretion and creatinine was observed, as well as a drop in, REPF, and GFR. All variables changed to levels compatible with a scenario of CRF of moderate to slight stability level.
Conclusions: The Tisuacryl rat model for CRF was evaluated. As result, this model reproduces the conditions of the disease in humans. The best variables for describing the CRF were: protein excretion, plasma creatinine, REPF and GFR, since these allow assessing the failure's degree. In this model the failure degree transits from slight to moderate.
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