2013, Number 3
Knowledge on oral health at elderly clubs
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 284-291
PDF size: 51.53 Kb.
Introduction: aging has been present at all stages of social development. Every day more people exceed the chronological barriers that man has set as old age, which means a major challenge for modern societies. Oral health plays an important role in maintaining the quality of life in elderly.Objective: to identify the knowledge on oral health in elderly clubs at 19 de Abril Clinic from 2008 to 2010.
Methods: a descriptive study was conducted. The universe was composed of 101 persons, belonging to the five elderly clubs in the area of "19 de Abril Clinics". The universe consists of 101 subjects, from the five elderly clubs. The variables studied were age, sex, and knowledge about the teeth function, the effect of harmful habits, oral hygiene, and brushing frequency. Obtaining information was held by the author and previously calibrated collaborators. A survey was applied with the proper informed consent of the elderly.
Results: there was higher representation in female subjects (71.2 %). 78.2 % know that chewing is one of the teeth functions. 84.1% do not know the effects of smoking and alcoholism on the oral cavity. There is no knowledge of the importance of oral hygiene and proper brushing (76.2 %).
Conclusions: there was higher representation in female patients. There is no knowledge of the teeth functions, the harmful effects of smoking and alcohol, as well as the need of proper oral hygiene.
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