2014, Number 02
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MediSan 2014; 18 (02)
Cardiovascular prevention and health promotion
del Río CG, de Dios LJA
Language: Spanish
References: 50
Page: 287-298
PDF size: 136.05 Kb.
The cardiovascular diseases constitute the main health problem for the industrialized and developing nations due to their impact in the morbidity, mortality and life quality
related to health. In spite of it, the use of effective strategies of prevention and of the guides for clinical practice is far from being really optimal, even in Cuba, where there is a social and health system which defends this approach in its health policy. This situation has a multifactorial origin, but the health staff competence to implement updated prevention programs and the lack of uniformity for the design of interventions in the different performance scenarios influence in it. Thus, a study was carried out to analyze statistical data of epidemiological interest and to highlight essential aspects of these guides, as well as of the criteria and available considerations in the different databases analized, in order to facilitate the work of professionals, mainly of the primary care. It is concluded that the cardiovascular prevention, based on the
"medicine of the lifestyle", when intervening in the health determinant, in the motivational, behavioral, clinical and therapeutical factors, can significantly reduce the morbidity and mortality caused by cardiovascular disorders, although it should be given a viable referencial framework to adopt criteria, indicators and standards which guarantee its effectiveness.
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