2014, Number 02
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MediSan 2014; 18 (02)
Main clinical and epidemiological aspects in patient with dermopathies due to drugs
López PN, Tablada RME, Baltazar GA, Jacas PAL, Tassé VOL
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 165-171
PDF size: 133.32 Kb.
A descriptive, cross sectional and prospective study of the 51 patients with dermopathies
due to drugs, admitted to the Dermatology Service of "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso"
Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba was carried out from January, 2011 to
December, 2012, to determine the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of them.
For this purpose, the variables age, sex, clinical pattern, ingested drugs and
administration route, person who indicated the drug, among others, were analyzed. The
skin eruptions due to drugs were presented in a wide clinical variety, with prevalence of
the minor multiform erythema, the treatment was indicated by doctors in most of the
cases, and among the groups of consumed drugs with more frequency there were the
antimicrobians and the non steroids analgesic anti-inflammatory drugs.
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