2014, Number 02
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MediSan 2014; 18 (02)
Periodontal disease and climaterium
Aguilar VMI, Peña SM, Chacón RJ, Fernández VF, Gutierrez TD
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 151-157
PDF size: 79.69 Kb.
A descriptive and cross-sectional study of 282 patients who were in the climacteric
stage and were assisted in the Endocrinology Department of the Specialties Polyclinic
from "Saturnino Lora Torres" Clinical Surgical Teaching Provincial Hospital in Santiago
de Cuba was carried out during the 2012, with the aim of characterizing the
periodontal disease in this group according to variables of clinical, periodontal and
epidemiological interest. It was obtained that the severity of the gingival and
periodontal disease was directly related to the degrees of mean and poor oral hygiene,
with prevalence of the gingivitis (90.4%), of the severe gingivitis (81.7%), as well as
of the established periodontitis with mean oral hygiene (79.1%) and of the terminal
periodontitis with poor oral hygiene (76.0%); also, gingivitis turned out to be the most
common disorder in both stages of the climacteric period (67.9 and 35.3% in the
premenopausic and posmenopausic women, respectively). It was demonstrated that,
as the years pass without estrogenic effect, the risk for the disease increases, without
existing relationship between it and the age in which menopause or the severity of the
climacteric syndrome took place. It is recommended to continue the investigations to
know the periodontal disease in climacteric patients at a national scale and to
implement programs aimed at its prevention.
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