2014, Number 1
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2014; 57 (1)
Child Maltreatment: Usual clinical characteristics
Loredo AA, Casas MA, Monroy LDA
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 15-23
PDF size: 344.5 Kb.
A presentation is made of the “visible” and “invisible” characteristics
of the different forms of Child abuse (ChA) based on
the experience of the Comprehensive Care Clinic of Abused
Children of the National Institute of Pediatrics (CAINM-INP).
We present and emphasize the clinical picture of the child
victim of “shaken baby syndrome” and insist in the need to
prevent and diagnose it in time. We also expose the medical
conditions that generate the clinical manifestations
that trigger the problem such as: inconsolable crying spells,
irritability and refusal to eat.
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