2013, Number S2
Application of computer materials in the teaching-learning process of the Microbiology and Medical Parasitology subject
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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The Microbiology and medical parasitology constitutes one of the subjects with major difficulties in the Medicine career. The main objective of this investigation is to value the application of computer materials for the subject during the development of the teaching-learning process, for its fulfillment there were made computer materials addressed to: workshop, seminars, conferences and practical classes, where there were integrated images of illnesses, videos, orientations towards the objectives, evaluations, teaching of cultural aspects, questioning which will bring on reflection and analysis, connection of the theory with the practice, logical order to treat the contents, pathogenic and life cycle of the biological agents in a schematize and didactic way. The investigation consisted of two stages the first one in which the materials were elaborated and the evaluation of experts occurred and a second one of application in the teaching-learning process, as well as the consequences and students evaluation. The results demonstrated a positive evaluation by the experts, highlighting its applicability with minimal requirements as for computer technology. According to students' survey, applying scale Likert, a high acceptance level existed and when evaluating the results in the teaching-learning process, they appeared to be superior to previous courses.REFERENCES
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