2013, Number S1
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2013; 39 (S1)
Need of approaching sexual and reproductive health in man
Rodríguez MV, Castañeda AIE, Rodríguez CA, Díaz BZ, Lozano LA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 929-938
PDF size: 131.06 Kb.
As a result of the differences set by the society between men and women, those topics on sexual and reproductive health are mainly the sole responsibility of women. The objective of this paper was to ascertain how men think and the extent of their knowledge about their sexual and reproductive health and that of their couples. A documentary review of articles, reports and documents published about this topic was made. Some research works conducted in the young male population in Cuba and in Latin America proved that they know certain ways of protection in a sexual intercourse although they ignore others; they are informed of the risk of sexually transmitted infection or HIV/aids contagion, of the importance of condom use and of having stable sex partners to avoid them; however, it is not the same level of knowledge when talking about the use of condom or other contraceptive means regarding unwanted pregnancy. As to gender equity and sexual relations, Cuban young males assessed equality in sexual requirements for both sexes, but 29.1 % agreed that denial of sexual intercourse by females should not be accepted as such. Men are involved as sex partners, husbands and fathers, and on the basis of these functions and from a gender equity viewpoint, they should be involved in sexual and reproductive health services including counseling about family planning, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases and communication between the members of a couple.
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