2013, Number 4
Foreign body in airway. Case presentation
Calvo ÁY, Hernández VY, Fernández GS, Sarduy PM, Córdova REJ
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 542-548
PDF size: 76.01 Kb.
Introduction: the bronchial strange bodies in adult patient constitute a clinic entity a little frequent. The more frequent location for strange body of respiratory tract is the right main bronchial.Objective: to show the difficulty to diagnose a foreign body as cause of cough and dyspnea in an adult patient.
Case presentation: a patient of 72 years old is presented, without a previous respiratory clinic. The sick patient report that 5 month before going to our center, she was having soup, when she notes as if she had bronchoaspired something, first she started with a dry cough and a sensation of shortness of breath, which cedes spontaneously but didn't disappear. She came up to our hospital we made a fibrobronchoscopy to her, we could observe the presence of strange body (chicken bone) to the left upper lobule of the bronchial level; therefore we proceeded with the extraction of it.
Conclusions: in the case of a patient presenting with cough and dyspnea after bronchoaspired something it is essential to take into account the diagnosis of the foreign body and the remove of strange body is the definitive solution.