2013, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2013; 85 (4)
Double frenulum of the superior lip
López CCA, Bencomo BH, Areas SD, Rivero PO, Fernández GG
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 523-528
PDF size: 91.79 Kb.
Non-syndromic double frenulum of the superior lip is a developmental anomaly that was not found as reported in our literature review. This is the case of an eleven-years old girl who was referred to the maxillofacial surgery service of "Eduardo Agramonte Pina" hospital in Camaguey, with a diagnosis of double frenulum of the superior lip of low insertion. The clinical symptoms linked to this anomaly and the surgical treatment applied to this case were described in this paper: frenectomy and frenoplasty upon the abnormal muscular band of the frenulum that brought excessive amount of tissue in the lip mucosa. The description of this case was considered to be very interesting since no similar report had been found in the reviewed literature.
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