2013, Number 4
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2013; 42 (4)
Metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents
Alpízar CLB
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 464-471
PDF size: 44.06 Kb.
A bibliographic review was conducted of the topic of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents with the purpose of describing key elements showing the importance of detecting and controlling risk factors in childhood to ensure good health in adulthood. The review was based on databases such as Lilacs, BVS-BIREME, Hinari, Pubmed and Scielo. It was found that metabolic syndrome is a multifactorial problem combining environmental and genetic factors. The presence of this condition in youth directly affects quality of life in adulthood. Early identification of risk factors in young ages could be a first step in the prevention of future complications. The key to success largely lies in preventing obesity and fostering appropriate lifestyles. It follows from these results that modifying those factors in adolescence would be an important step toward reducing the prevalence of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and stroke.
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