2014, Number 01
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MediSan 2014; 18 (01)
Epidemiological, clinical therapeutic profile of odontogenic cysts in Santiago de Cuba
Díaz FJM, Puig RLE, Vives FCB
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 52-60
PDF size: 51.81 Kb.
A descriptive, prospective, longitudinal study of 230 odontogenic cysts of the oral
cavity was carried out, which were surgically treated in the Maxillofacial Surgery
Department of "Saturnino Lora” Provincial Teaching Clinical Surgical Hospital of
Santiago de Cuba, from 2000 to 2008, to characterize them from the clinical,
epidemiological and therapeutic points of view. The main results revealed a higher
incidence of inflammatory cysts than development cysts, with ratio of 1.8:1. Male sex
prevailed in both groups, with ratio of 2.4:1 relative to female sex. The overall mean
age was 38.4±11.2 years (with a range between 18 and 71 years) and the size of
3.01±1.54 cm. There was a prevalence of mandibular cysts in these groups, being the
areas of molar bicuspids (maxilla) and of lower third molar the most affected. The
technique of choice treatment was cystectomy, associated or not with filling in cystic
cavity. Overall recurrence rate was low and cystectomy had a higher percentage due to
keratocysts. Peroperative and postoperative complications showed low morbidity.
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