2014, Number 01
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MediSan 2014; 18 (01)
Characterization of the formation and development of the third molars
González EL, Mok BP, de la Tejera CA, George VY, Leyva LML
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 34-44
PDF size: 106.20 Kb.
An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in the
Department of Orthodontics of "Martires del Moncada" Provincial School of Dentistry in
Santiago de Cuba, with the purpose of characterizing the formation and development of
the third molars according to age, location, gender and ethnicity, in the period of May
2010 to the same month of 2011. The necessary information was obtained from medical
records and panoramic x-rays of patients admitted to this department. In the case series
the average age of the crypt onset was 8.7 years and the eruptive movements from 11
to 12.2 years; it was also concluded that the lower arch, male sex and black race were
advanced to reach the different stages of formation and development of wisdom teeth.
It was recommended to carry out another study on this, but with a greater number of
patients and at younger ages, and to propose a scheme of the third molar formation and
development in the territory.
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