2014, Number 01
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MediSan 2014; 18 (01)
High-frequency therapy in patients with disorders of the stomatognathic system
Flanders AM, Milán AV, Algozaín AY, Fong EJA, Castillo MY
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 17-24
PDF size: 161.93 Kb.
A descriptive study was conducted in 40 patients with disorders of the stomagtonathic system who visited the Physical Medicine Department of the Intermediate State Hospital of Katutura, in Windhoek (Namibia) and were referred from the specialty of maxillofacial surgery, from 2008 to 2009, in order to assess the symptoms and signs, as well as the time of improvement with the application of physical agents. Variables such as sex, age, diagnosis, symptoms and signs, sessions of therapy and final results were considered in the series. Finally it was found that in 87.5% of patients good results were obtained between sessions 5 and 10, which indicated that with this therapeutic method a satisfactory course without complications or worsening of clinical pattern is achieved.
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